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Under God by William C. Hendricks
The goal of Under God is to develop effective citizens within the framework of the Christian faith and Christian principles. To help students attain this goal, Under God includes sound ideas about the foundations of constitutional government and the historical background of United States government.

The starting point in teaching government is the basic conviction that God ordains it. He is the source of authority. That concept is the root of good government. The fear of the Lord is not only the basis, but also the motivation for good citizenship.


The purpose of this unique government text is to develop effective citizens within the framework of the Christian faith and principles. Organized according to the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, it features the establishment of government under God, the foundations of constitutional government, the historical background of American government, a line-by-line examination of the U.S. Constitution, the role of the federal, state, and local governments, federal departments and agencies, and citizenship.


Originally designed by The National Union of Christian Schools (now Christian Schools International), for 8th and 9th graders, the text has been updated with current information and the Teacher’s Resource Booklet has been expanded to accommodate high school students and homeschool families as well, with updated information, vocabulary definitions, supplemental information, and applications to current events.

The author is deeply conscious of each student's need to develop a wholesome regard for government and a sense of personal responsibility for its proper functioning. Christian citizenship leaves no room for apathy. After students have considered the ideas presented in this book, we hope they will choose to do some of the suggested activities and to express their concern through citizen action groups in their communities. Such action will help them to make a lifelong commitment to Christian citizenship.

A separate Teacher's Resource is available that contains tests, expanded exercises, bakground information, and answer key.

Under God by William C. Hendricks

SKU: 088062292X
  • ISBN-10: 088062292X
    ISBN-13: 9780880622929
    Edition: Seventh
    Format: Paperback
    Page Count: 285
    Author: William C. Hendricks
    Age: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
    Grade: 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    Topic: Government, Civics

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